

Online registration is now open

Registrations will be done online through Participants may pay instantly using their credit card (VISA/MASTERCARD), or they may choose to pay through the bank. An one-stop-shop software is used for the whole registration process. The whole process is very easy to use, secure, and can be completed in a few minutes.

Please note that the software provides participants with the possibility to complete the registration process in steps/periodically; participants may register for the conference and return later to book further services (subject to availability). The system will accept unlimited changes/updates up to the closing of the online registration process before the start of the conference.

Registration Steps:

Registration Fees
  Reduced Early Registration Fees
(up to 19th of April)
Late Registration Fees
Author / paper & attendee FULL registration for IFIP Members € 430.00 € 530.00
Author / paper & attendee FULL registration for Non-IFIP Members € 480.00 € 580.00
Student Registration for IFIP Members * € 270.00 € 350.00
Student Registration for Non-IFIP Members * € 320.00 € 400.00
Additional Paper Fee ** € 320.00 per paper

* According to the conference policy, AT LEAST ONE FULL registration for each accepted paper should be made in time for inclusion of the paper in the SPRINGER proceedings. Student registration is offered to all students who wants to physically attend the conference while at the same time there is already a full registration for their paper. If a student is the only registered person of a paper, then a Full registration should be selected.

** Maximum one additional paper for each full registration. Additional paper registration should match the name of the full registration and the same person should present both papers – attend the conference.

All FULL** registrations include: Access to all conference sessions, conference material, electronic conference proceedings, daily coffee breaks, Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner.

** Student registrations does not include Gala Dinner event

Participants who will attend the conference remotely will receive all material (proceedings, certifications, invoices) electronically and they will have full electronic access to all conference sessions and to conference’s audio – visual repository. Full support and remote registration desk access will be provided to all remote participants. Technical details will be announced several weeks before the conference.


Over-length Fee: 100 Euros per page. Full papers are allocated 12 pages (so the 13th page is the first over-length page), while short papers are allocated 10 pages (so the 11th page is the first over-length page).

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