The 3rd Workshop on
“Artificial Intelligence and Ethics”
How Will Generative AI Tools Change The World – For Good And Bad?
Led by Professor John MacIntyre, Co Editor-in-Chief, AI and Ethics

Panel Members:
- Professor Larry Medsker, Research Professor George Washington University, USA, Co Editor-in-Chief, AI and Ethics
- Professor Peter Smith, Emeritus Professor of Computing, University of Sunderland, UK
- Dr. Lee Clubb, Retired Assoc. Professor, City University of Hong Kong
- Professorr Laura Illia, Chair of Communication, business Social Responsibility , Department of Communication and Media Research (DCM), Faculty of Management, Economics and social science, University of Fribourg.
This will be an interactive workshop led by Professor John MacIntyre, with short presentations from the panel members and an open Q&A session where we hope the audience members will be able to ask, and answer, important questions about the current and future development of Generative AI models, including:
- How should education systems and institutions respond to their students or their employees using LLMs and Generative AI?
- Are there ways that education systems and education institutions can embrace Generative AI as a positive part of the education process?
- Can LLMs or Generative AI tools be truly “creative”? If so, can theY be considered as authors or creators of their outputs?
- How should LLMs and Generative AI tools be regulated? Should they be regulated at all?
- Should authors or creative artists be allowed to remove their material from the training data used to train Generative AI tools? Should their permission have been sought in the first place?
- How should the data used to train Generative AI tools be properly referenced and/or credited for their contribution to the output of the models?
- How will Generative AI develop? Where are these tools going, both technically, and societally? What impacts can we foresee, both good and bad?
- If such tools are found to have created harms, who is responsible for these harms and how should they be held to account?
The workshop will be available to audience members in person at the conference and to those participating virtually.