The 3rd Workshop on

Defense Applications of AI (DAAI)

DAAI an EDA – EU conference

Main Theme: “Defence Use Cases – Scenarios with Applicable AI”

The 3rd Defence Applications of Artificial Intelligence (DAAI) Workshop will be organized by the European Defense Agency (EDA) aiming at presenting recent evolutions in artificial intelligence, applicable to defence and security.

This year, the workshop will focus on applicable AI use cases and/or scenarios that have been used to solve decision making, situational awareness and other relevant problems/gaps for military operations. 

Selected invited speakers from Industry and/or Academia will present AI solutions that have created noteable value and efficiency in different military scenarios. 

Since AI is expected to transform the future defence and security domains it will be very useful to review what is the current state of play in applicable AI solutions for defence in an effort to better assess the future requirements and capabilities.

Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Panagiotis Kikiras, European Defence Agency.
  • Mr. Isidoros Monogioudis, European Defence Agency.
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