WG 12.5: Artificial Intelligence Applications

Board Members

(alphabetical by last name)

  • Prof. Agnar Aamodt
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • Mr Olusola Abidogun
    Intelligent Systems Research Group, Department of Computer Science, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535, Republic of South Africa
  • Prof Serafin Alonso Castro
    Universidad de León Spain
  • Dr. Lora Aroyo
    Eindhoven Univeristy of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Dr Muhammad Azam
    Head of School, Information Technology, Whitecliffe College, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Prof Max Bramer
    University of Portsmouth, UK
  • Professor Luigia Carlucci Aiello
    Università di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
  • Dr. Weiqin Chen
    Dept. of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Prof John Debenham
    University of Technology, Sydney
  • Dr. Yves Demazeau
    CNRS – IMAG Institute, France
  • Prof. Manuel Domínguez
    Universidad de León Spain
  • Dr. Ana Garcia-Serrano
    Technical University of Madrid (UPM) Facultad de Informatica
  • Dr. Konstantin M. Golubev
    General Knowledge Machine Research Group, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Dr. Nicola Guarino
    National Research Council, Institute for Cognive Sciences and Technologies
  • Prof. Timo Honkela
    Helsinki University of Technology


  • Prof. Lazaros Iliadis
    Democritus University of Thrace, Greece, Dept. of Civil Engineering
  • Dr. Kostas Karpouzis
    Image, Video and Multimedia Systems Lab, National Technical University of Athens
  • Dr Ray Kemp
    Massey University
  • Prof. Kinshuk
    Massey University, New Zealand
  • Prof. Ilias Maglogiannis (Chair)
    University of Piraeus, Greece – Dept. of Digital Systems
  • Prof. Dario Malchiodi
    Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
  • Dr Eunika Mercier-Laurent
  • Dr Tanja Mitrovic
    University of Canterbury. Christchurch, New Zealand
  • Dr Natasha Noy
    Stanford University
  • Mr Zeljko Obrenovic
    University of Belgrade
  • Dr. Daniel O’Leary
    University of Southern California
  • Prof. Pierre Yves Schobbens
    Institut d’ Informatique
  • Prof. Olga Stepankova
    Czech Technical University in Prague
  • Prof. Vagan Terziyan
    MIT Depatment, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
  • Professor Eric Tsui
    Computer Sciences Corporation & The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Dr R Uthurusamy
    IJCAI Inc.
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