History & Info About our Parent Committee

TC12 “Artificial Intelligence” is one of the thirteen Technical Committees of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).
IFIP was founded by UNESCO in 1960 to be an international, apolitical, independent organisation for information processing.
It now has members representing 33 national computer societies, together with representatives of the ACM and the IEEE, and has several working groups covering major topics in AI.
In recent years, TC12 and its Working Groups have sponsored or co-sponsored a range of events worldwide. Details of some of these are given on this website. It has also made major contributions to recent IFIP World Computer Congresses.
TC12 was established in 1989, at that point Artificial Intelligence was already a well established and vital field, with its own journals, conferences and transnational organizations.
The original aim of TC12 (which was revised in 1991) was to promote research in Artificial Intelligence and the interdisciplinary exchange between Artificial Intelligence and other fields of information processing.
TC12 held its first meeting in Bruges, Belgium, May 31 – June 1, 1991. A primary objective for TC12 has since then been to build workable relationships with the existing organizations and to make clear that IFIP represents added value to Artificial Intelligence.
The first chairman of TC12 was Robert A Meersman (Belgium) and he actively contributed to creating and shaping of the original five Working Groups. Nowadays, TC12 consists of thirteen Working groups
To foster the development and understanding of Artificial Intelligence and its applications worldwide.
To promote interdisciplinary exchanges between Artificial Intelligence and other fields of information processing.
To contribute to the further development of IFIP as the international body for Information Processing, and to achieving its overall aims and objectives.