The 1st Workshop on “Visual Analytics Approaches for Complex Problems in Engineering and Biomedicine" (VAA-CP-EB)
Many problems today in the fields of biomedicine and engineering involve huge amounts of data, a large number of variables and a high complexity of the underlying processes, with many factors influencing their behavior, facing common challenges in diagnosis, prognosis, estimation, anomaly detection, accurate and explainable modeling, timeseries and image analysis or knowledge discovery, just to mention a few.
The 1st Workshop on “Anomaly Detection in Unstructured Data" (ADUD)
Anomaly detection is one of the machine/deep learning techniques with the largest number of practical applications; for example, predictive maintenance, cybersecurity and fraud detection, to name a few. On the other hand, unstructured data (mainly text, images and video) has become the predominant data in terms of size and number of applications compared to structured data.
The 12th Workshop on “Mining Humanistic Data” (MHDW)
The Mining Humanistic Data Workshop (MHDW) aims to bring together interdisciplinary approaches that focus on the application of innovative as well as existing artificial intelligence, data matching, fusion and mining and knowledge discovery and management techniques to data derived from all areas of Humanistic Sciences.
The abundance of available data, which is retrieved from or is related to the areas of Humanities and the human condition, challenges the research community in processing and analyzing it. The aim is two-fold: on the one hand, to extract knowledge that will help to understand human behavior, creativity, way of thinking, reasoning, learning, decision making, socializing and even biological processes; on the other hand, to exploit the extracted knowledge by incorporating it into intelligent systems that will support humans in their everyday activities
The 8th Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge”
The 8th 5G-PINE Workshop has been established to disseminate knowledge obtained from ongoing EU projects as well as from any other action of EU-funded research, in the wider thematic area of “5G Innovative Activities – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” and with the aim of focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern 5G telecommunications infrastructures.This should take place by emphasizing upon associated results, methodologies, trials, concepts and/or findings originating from technical reports/deliverables, from related pilot actions and/or any other relevant 5G-based applications, intending to enhance intelligence to the network edges.
Organized by the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization and dozens of EU scientific Partners.
The 2nd Workshop on AI in Energy, Buildings and Micro-Grids Workshop (ΑΙBMG)
Sustainable energy is hands down one of the biggest challenges of our times. As the EU sets its focus to reach its 2030 and 2050 goals, the role of artificial intelligence in the energy domain at building, district and micro-grid level becomes prevalent. The EU and member states are increasingly highlighting the need to complement IoT capacity (e.g. appliances and meters) with artificial intelligence capabilities (e.g. building management systems, proactive optimization, prescriptive maintenance, etc.). Moreover, moving away from the centralized production schema of the grid, novel approaches are needed for the optimal management / balancing of local (or remote aggregated net metering) generation and consumption rather than only reducing energy consumption for presuming communities.
The 3rd Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Ethics” (AI & ETHICS)
The 3rd AIETH workshop will be an interactive workshop led by Professor John MacIntyre, with short presentations from the panel members and an open Q&A session where we hope the audience members will be able to ask, and answer, important questions about the current and future development of Generative AI models
“The 3rd Workshop on Defense Applications of AI (DAAI) – an EDA – EU conference

Main Theme: “Defence Use Cases – Scenarios with Applicable AI”
The 3rd Defence Applications of Artificial Intelligence (DAAI) Workshop will be organized by the European Defense Agency (EDA) aiming at presenting recent evolutions in artificial intelligence, applicable to defence and security.
This year, the workshop will focus on applicable AI use cases and/or scenarios that have been used to solve decision making, situational awareness and other relevant problems/gaps for military operations.
Selected invited speakers from Industry and/or Academia will present AI solutions that have created noteable value and efficiency in different military scenarios.